Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dance with Spike 101

Ok this one is an old classic you've probably seen before, but it makes me laugh out loud EVERY time! Spike Jonze is a big influence for me for the marriage of pop art, music, and humor. Spike masquerading as community dance troupe leader "Richard" for the official FatBoy Slim video "Praise You" has always inspired me that all you need is a vision, a camera, a sense of humor, and some friends to get a great piece.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


One night in the winter of 2007 in the small, barely furnished 3 bedroom apartment I shared with a of couple artist friends I decided I wanted to challenge myself to make a video piece despite the fact I had virtually no resources to create the images that were floating around in my head. So I took inventory of what I did have available to me at that very moment: a camera, a chair, a white wall, a clamp-on lamp I borrowed from my roommate, and myself, and decided to make an exercise of making something from (virtually) nothing. This is the video that resulted, and as simple as it is, its been the one that people seem to have responded to the strongest.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I'm really inspired by music videos that elevate this medium out of MTV and into an art form. I found a video that does just that as well as the 31st song for my "31 for 31" mix in 'We Won't Break' by Zoot Woman. See here: