Monday, June 22, 2009

True Blood Bites

There is a new show on HBO in its 2nd season called True Blood...another version of the Twilight story...young girl has vampire boyfriend. I have only seen a few episodes, but my point here isn't the show, its the opening credits. Because of my love of conceptual music video often a really well done opening sequence is my favorite part of the show. The Sopranos raised the bar on artistically executed, viscerally stimulating, and evocative opening sequence. Tony in the car, driving from Manhattan to NJ with that song..."woke up this morning, got yourself a gun"
I love when they get the perfect composition of music, theme, cinematography stylization and editing to create a very specific vibe. Its the VIBE. Especially when its for a tv show and the opening sequence although its as short as a music video takes on more and more meaning and emotional resonance to the viewer as more seasons go by and they are emotionally attached and have a deeper understanding of the show's themes such as with the Sopranos. True Blood is my new favorite example of this. Brand new show but the opener is an instant classic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Fi, those are excellent credits. WHOA! Your blog looks so nice. Our assistant, Peter, set ours up. Check it out (not as much video or stuff as yours, but. . .)